Prior to the 1700s little is known of the history of Batley and in particular Upper Batley. The name Batley is believed to have derived from the Old English personal name ‘Bata’ and ‘leah’ meaning forest or glade. The 1086 Doomsday Book lists the village as having “6 villagers and 4 smallholders with 5 ploughs”. Much has changed since then. During the 1700’s Batley grew in the form of small settlements.
Batley and Upper Batley really began to develop around 1813 as the textile industry developed. As Batley gained wealth, Upper Batley began to develop as a favoured suburban location for the wealthy mill owners.
The larger Victorian properties such as Blenheim House were built, the grandeur, the design and the attention to detail can still be seen today. Blenheim House was built for a wealthy Victorian mill owner, Joseph Jubb and his wife Hannah and has been privately owned ever since.
Blenheim house became the headquarters of the Scarborough Lodge of Craft Freemasons and the Scarborough Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in December 1925.
Many possibilities were explored, conferences held, plans discussed until on 21st July 1925, the Lodge authorised the purchase of Blenheim House, from Mr John Joseph Jubb and the freehold from Mr David Stubley J. P. Structural alterations were carried out, central heating installed, decorated, furnished and ready for a social gathering of brethren and their ladies in November of that year.
The purchase price of Blenheim House together with the freehold and alterations in 1925 was £4,090. 14s. The dining room extension in 1939 cost £1,486. No repairs could be carried out during the war, when permission was given at a later date, this cost was £1,187.
Commencing on 1st January, 1967, a Masonic hall trust was formed, equal shares being held by the three lodges using the premises, namely Scarborough Lodge No 1214, Howley Lodge No 5012 and Trafalgar Lodge 971
The lodges continue to prosper and carry on their useful Masonic work and long may that continue.
Visit Scarborough Lodge’s website
Blenheim House
66 Batley Field Hill
Batley, West Yorkshire
WF17 0BG